International Conference and Call for Paper

Insuring Sustainable Business Strategy : Managing Risk for Anticipating The Era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA)

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Insuring Sustainable Business Strategy: Managing Risk For Anticipating VUCA

To date, the business operates as a complex system tantamount to a living organism, in this regards, businesses affect variables in the environment that they operate in a dynamic, liquid and interdependent way. Ecosystemic and sustainable business approach drives us to know businesses as complex systems which have many predictable and unpredictable variables internally and externally within the company or organization, depending on their environments across space and time. A cause-effect linear approach might not be sufficient to foster innovation to develop a sustainable business that is able to survive in the era of  VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). To enable business to be sustainable, they must become adaptive, innovative, self-determined, self-aware and resource-led. The challenge for future businesses face problems such as climate change, ecosystem degradation, digital innovative disruption, poverty, economic instability etc. In response, innovative understandings of business practices and sustainability are necessary to develop novel and complex models for businesses to respond to the contemporary and future challenges. This conference is expected to contribute to the literature on sustainable business strategy not only from theoretical point of view but also from practical point of view.

International Seminar

Parallel Session (Paper Presentation)

Workshop of Journal Writing

Featured Talks & Speakers

ISBS 2018 is presented for students, teachers, lecturers, researchers, practitioners, government, and industry to improve their knowledges on business strategy. In the seminar, four speakers will give a talk about relevant topics based on their expertise.

Keynote Speakers

Wimboh Santoso, SE, MSc, Ph.D

OJK Board of Comissioner

Prof. Yahn-Shir Chen, Ph.D

National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan


Yuki Nakamura, Ph.D

Waseda University Tokyo, Jepang

Evan Lau, Ph.D

(Associate Professor) Universiti Malaysia Serawak, Malaysia

Prof. Hasan Fauzi, Ph.D., CA., CSRA

University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Nilmanee Sriboon

(Associate Professor) Thammasat University, Thailand

Call for Paper Topics:

  • Sustainability Accounting
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Fraud Detection
  • Climate Change and Change Management
  • Green Management
  • Sustainability Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Human Behavior and Organization
  • Financial Service Marketing
  • Risk Management and Insurance
  • Financial Technology
  • Marketing Management and Behavior
  • Human Capital
  • Digital Marketing (E-Marketing)
  • E-Business
  • Technopreneurship


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